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Doro Pesch of Warlock

Doro Pesch of Warlock

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Last Work Completed

Monday, 03 August 2009

Client Since

Friday, 01 January 1999

Description of Work

We managed Doro Pesch (of Warlock), for a few years starting in 1999. We also booked her on the Dio/Malmsteen/Doro tour and on a short tour with Britny Fox. Doro also appeared at a KISS convention and was on stage for the NY Steel benefit. We arranged for her "White Wedding" video shoot in Boston and her duet with Peter Steele of Type O Negative. Provided security at all of her events. Most recently, built her website.


  • Client Testimonial:

    Cooch managed my band, for a few years. Booked us on the Dio & Malmsteen tour and on a short tour with Britny Fox. Setup our appearance at a KISS convention and had me on stage for the NY Steel benefit for 9-11. He also arranged for my "White Wedding video shoot in Boston and my duet with Peter Steele of Type O Negative. Cooch has always been really great and we are still the best of friends today.
