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Dee Snider of Twisted Sister

Dee Snider of Twisted Sister

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Last Work Completed

Wednesday, 09 March 2016

Client Since

Sunday, 26 May 1991

Description of Work - Twisted Sister frontman, Writer, co-producer, and star of Strangeland, host and personality of the House of Hair, creator and narrator of Van Helsings Curse. Now star of Growing Up Twisted on A&E.

Website: This is the 5th version of Dee Snider dot com we have built since 2002.

Executive Producer, Photographer & Art Director - "Never Let The Bastards Wear You Down" CD on Koch Records. Secured the deal with the record company, booked rehearsal & recording time, handled the finances and delivered the finished product.

Merchandise Company - We have been the Official Merchandise Company for Dee Snider for close to twenty years.

Tour Management & Security - Toured the world for the better part of fifteen years doing live performances and personal appearances.


  • Technology Used:

    Joomla! 1.5, Flash, Sliders, Events Calendar, Captcha, Forms, Community Membership Login, Forum, Videos, Zoo and more.

  • Client Testimonial:

    I first worked with Cooch in 1991 in the capacity of photographer and videographer, which he did very well.  His talent, enthusiasm and creativity led me to expand my relationship with him, bringing him on as show producer for my first weekly radio show "Dee Snider's Metal Nation" the following year.  As our relationship developed and my respect and appreciation for all of his abilities grew, Cooch took on more and more important positions in my world.  As tour manager for my band, he helped me traverse the world, touring through North America and Europe.  

    Constantly impressing me with his wide range of talents and abilities, Cooch took over my website in 2002 and since that time has changed the site from a ego driven dalliance to the epicenter of my multi faceted career and a business generating resource.  Cooch has expanded my internet footprint to include,,, and others.

    As webmaster for all these sites, Cooch not only brings his talents for website organization and management, but his artistic abilities not limited only to web design. I've used his graphic art abilities for everything from merchandising, marketing, album cover design, advertising and more.  Cooch's artistry and creativity truly know no bounds.

    It should be noted, that Cooch is as philanthropic as he is business minded, donating his time and effort to my various charitable efforts whenever I call.

    This is a good man.

    Working closely on a business level with Cooch for more than three decades has made him not only my go to guy for a myriad of business needs, but a trusted friend as well.

    I highly recommend Cooch for any and all of your business needs.


    Dee Snider
